Human Discourse
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I advocate for a legal and peaceful disestablishment of all current governments within the United States and its territories, for the demands of humankind can be better met through private enterprise and private charity than through a political structure.
Governments, companies, and individuals approach insolvency. Bond and credit markets will collapse, along with the purchasing power of fiat currencies, and drastic and immediate action will be necessary to preserve human civilization.
The U.S. government should declare the United States dollar and all debts payable in United States dollars to be officially worthless and should remove all restrictions on what may be used as currency. Governments within the United States and its territories should transition their necessary services to private enterprises and charities and should liquidate their assets into gold or another medium of value that bidders are willing to offer, then disburse the proceeds of the liquidation proceeds among the populations formerly subject to their income tax jurisdiction, or the heirs of such populations.
Prior to its legal abdication of power, the United States government should declare an official measure of gold to equal a new dollar, so that payment systems set up to transact in dollars and cents can easily transition to gold dollars. While there should be no restriction on what may be used as currency, an official declaration by the outgoing government may aid the transition of payment processing systems.
The Federal government's first act of liquidation should be to disburse a portion of the gold reserve among the population and states so that people will have a small amount of liquid capital to aid their transition to the new economy, and so states have operating capital to begin their own liquidations or disburse to their populations, as they determine.
Value will remain post-collapse. Land, buildings, machinery, vehicles, equipment, raw materials, furniture, clothing, tools, food stores, production animals, intoxicants, skills, knowledge, beauty, relationships, health, and experience all have value and in the wake of this collapse where the western world will no longer have the ability to exchange promises for goods, we must make the most of the resources we have. A market free from laws, government regulations and taxes will allow individuals to trade that which they have for that which they need, to provide for themselves and their loved ones.
A charity should be established to prevent slavery, trespassing, sex with a minor (with the age of consent determined by the vote of donors to the charity with votes in proportion to their donations), the physical abuse of minors or animals, and the construction or possession of nuclear weapons. This charity should prevent no other behavior, and if it starts to do so, donors should redirect their donations to a charity that does not.
Prior to its collapse, as the owner of the most nuclear weapons in the world, the United States government should propose a multi-lateral nuclear disarmament agreement among nuclear nations. Other nations should agree to this but of them, I make no other requests. If we are invaded in retaliation for our financial default or the misdoings of the government that has ruled over us, I anticipate we will defend ourselves to the best of our ability. I hope it does not come to this, and that those who have lost on their investments in America and in Americans will write off their investments and learn from their mistakes. America should not lead through violent threat, but through example, and as other nations determine that a free market is optimal for their populations, we should welcome them to the free world with open arms.
The first edition of my book, Human Discourse, is for sale on Amazon. In this book, I propose a security force that enforces a few more things than I now propose, which I no longer believe it should enforce. My writing has also improved since I published the first edition, and so I'm creating a second edition. Still, the first edition contains ideas on how we can transition various markets to free ones, and some consideration-worthy philosophical analysis. Once I publish the second edition, I will remove the first edition from publication.​
I previously presented a list of recommended commentators on this website and intend to do so again, but I am working on revising the list and my commentaries on their work. For now, I will just leave a link to my own channel.
I also previously had a blog on this website which I also intend to revisit with upgraded comments.
Discussion 1 and discussion 2 are discussions I had some time ago, but ones I felt covered some critical topics in depth where I disagreed with the other individual on some points I find critical. I have not revisited these discussions for years so please forgive my stage of writing and insight when they occurred, if they now seem inadequate.
Finally, I have not given up on my novel and hope to complete its publication, along with the second edition of Human Discourse, in 2024.